Saturday Sep 23, 2023
The Epistle to the Romans - Session 16 - Romans 3:1-8
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Paul continues his condemnation of humanity by focusing in on the significant advantage of being a Jew. The Jewish nation was given God's laws and promises. However, in spite of this great privilege, many Jews did not believe. Does that make God's promises ineffective? Not at all. Even though the Jewish nation rejected the Messiah when he came, there was nevertheless a remnant who did believe. However, the rejection of Christ by the Jewish nation will result in even greater condemnation to their privileged status.
Friday Sep 15, 2023
The Epistle to the Romans - Session 15 - Romans 2:25-29
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Paul continues his charges against the religious Jew by showing that the rite of circumcision, one of the marks of what the Jews would consider as proof of their right standing before God, means nothing without a circumcised heart. In fact, Paul states it is better to be an uncircumcised Gentile with a circumcised heart, than a circumcised Jew with an uncircumcised heart. Being a true Jew is not a matter of externals, but one of an internal heart change before God.
Friday Sep 08, 2023
The Epistle to the Romans - Session 14 - Romans 2:17-24
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Having brought charges against the heathen who do not have any knowledge of God's special revelation in His word, and the educated moral man that has a innate sense of right and wrong, Paul now turns to the Jews. His charges against them are even more severe as they not only have the inward revelation of God in their conscience, but they also have the written word of God and know exactly what God wants. Because of this, they are the most responsible and most condemned of all the groups Paul has brought before the bar of God.
Monday Sep 04, 2023
The Epistle to the Romans - Session 13 - Romans 2:12-16
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Paul continues his case against the moral, educated person by showing that their innate sense of right and wrong speaks of a moral code to which they are responsible. Just knowing the code is not good enough - one must live by it. The fact that men violate their inborn sense of right and wrong is enough to condemn them before the bar of God.
Friday Aug 25, 2023
The Epistle to the Romans - Session 12 - Romans 2:7-11
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
We continue Paul's indictment of the Moral person - the one who has a knowledge of God, right, and wrong and yet believes that someone makes them better than the pagan person with no knowledge of God. Far from being in a better standing before God - the Moral person is in fact under greater condemnation.
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
The Epistle to the Romans - Session 11 - Romans 2:1-6 - Part 1
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
We begin a new chapter in Romans in which Paul turns his attention away from men who have no special revelation of God to those who do have a knowledge of God and a knowledge of right and wrong. His conclusion is that it is more serious to know what God wants and not do it, than to not know God at all.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
The Epistle to the Romans - Session 10 - Romans 1:28-32
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
In this session we end the first of Paul's three indictments of mankind, the indictment against the heathen who do not have the special revelation of God but do have the general revelation as found in nature.
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
The Epistle to the Romans - Session 09 - Romans 1:21-27
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Paul continues his discussion on the guilt of mankind by showing the downward moral trend when a society abandons God and exchanges Him for idols.
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
The Epistle to the Romans - Session 08 - Romans 1:18-21 - Part 2
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
We continue a look at Paul's condemnation of those that do not have the special revelation of God even though the have His general revelation in nature, and as such are still responsible to God to live up to the light that they have.
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
The Epistle to the Romans - Session 07 - Romans 1:18-20 - Part 1
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
We begin a study of Paul's indictment of all mankind by examining the first group on the docket - the heathen who do not have the special revelation of God - only the general.